Tom Lightfoot's Artwork

Paintings, installations, photos, and other artwork by Tom Lightfoot

Drawings | Digital Images | Recent Paintings | "Snow Stacks" | "Lotus" | "Hive" and "Spirit Trees" | "The Chair" | Photos

A member of the Fine Arts Studio faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology, I have been an exhibiting artist along with being a teacher and administrator. I hope you enjoy the work included here.

The piece to the right developed from a serendipidous connection. Shadows cast on the painting by something hanging in my studio added a new element that I liked. Searching around, my son's old tricycle brought the right colors to bear as well.

Click to read interview with Tom Lightfoot on getting into graduate art schools.

"Child's Play" by Tom Lightfoot 2003
Pastel on canvas with tricycle. 4' X 4' X 4'